For the TAOMAC-project I was thinking about who or what would be my inspiration to do music as image as sound as object as art and elsewhere. And I tried to be serious about that. With the years I thought I came to be my own curator. In the sense of the entities that took place in space, giving sense to each other, exactly as they do more and more each day. I try to explain it in an open manner. Everyone can read it different. The consciousnesses take over each other, mix from “me” to “we” to “them” to “us” – this way it all comes together. And so I met LAN. I even don’t really remember the circumstances any more. Great. Was it Cologne, in Christa’s House somewhere? Anyway, it was evident by the first moment. Since that day we read the same thoughts, spin the same means at the tables. We just do as we did – always, and more. It is all junk food from the broken heart label. Schalom! Stephana, Dec. 2008